Somerset Open Studios


Less than two weeks now until Somerset Art Weeks Open Studios! I’m really looking forward to sharing my new work with visitors. At the moment I’m busy designing and making some wooden hangers for my small cloth banners, thinking up clues for my “Wellington Underfoot” Badge trail, and sewing/buttoning printed and woven cloths together, for a collection of wall-hung pieces I call “Hedgeweft”. So much to do still!!!

Visitors to the shared venue, will be able to see Sally Hebeler’s home print studio and see work our progress ,as well as finished pieces. I will most probably be making some more wooden picture hangers, covering buttons and hand sewing hems of my cloth banners. You can look through my book in which I’ve recorded my ideas for the project, as they developed, stalled sometimes - and changed course! You might marvel at the high weave count in the samples of the Fox Flannel cloth that I used to mend! You will be able to buy badges from my new “Wellington Underfoot” collection and take away clues for a badge trail of Wellington’s pavements! There will be a prize for winners drawn out of a hat - details to follow!

Do come and see us! We’ll be open everyday from Sept. 16th until Oct 1st. Cups of tea available! And a sit down if you’re making a day of it and ‘doing’ all the open studios in this area. You may need a bit of a rest!

(N.B. If you are visiting our venue (venue 90) specifically to see me, please note that I’m unable to be in the studio the morning of 21 Sept and poss. for part of 27th Sept). The studio will, however still be open everyday from 16th Sept - 1st Oct. as it is the home studio of my fellow artist, the printmaker Sally Hebeler. Her amazing prints reference some of the social histories and untold stories of Wellington’s buildings and nearby landscapes.

Somerset Open Studios. Sally Light  Sally Hebeler
Sally Light